الاشتراك المدرسي السنوي (الخطة المميزة)


The Global Studies Institute (GSI) offers a variety of teacher professional development programs that are designed to help school teachers in Qatar prepare their students for a globalized world.


Premium Subscription (18,000QR): Send 10 staff members to each of the 9 workshops and enjoy 3 consultation session on selected topics.

Workshops: –

  • -Classroom Dynamics
  • -Student – Centered Learning
  • -Differentiated Instruction
  • -Assessment for Instruction
  • -Effective Lesson Planning
  • -Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties
  • -Effective Teachers’ Observation
  • -Employing Technology in Instruction
  • -AI in the Classroom

1 Year Consultation Session Topics: –

  • -Assessing and Improving School Quality
  • -Use of Data to Enhance Students Achievement
  • -Effective Practices in Special Education
  • -Student College and Career Counseling
  • -Leveraging Technology in Teaching and Learning
  • -Promoting Safety and Respect in Schools Learning how to incorporate global perspectives into the curriculum