
University/college visits play a pivotal role in the university/college selection journey, offering parents and students invaluable insights into potential academic homes. In this blog post, we’ll equip you with essential tips for maximizing your university/college visits, ensuring that you make informed decisions about your child’s academic future.

Why Scheduling a Guidance Session Should Be Your Priority

Before diving into university/college visits, prioritize scheduling a guidance session with our dedicated team of student advisors. By doing so, you gain access to personalized support tailored to your child’s academic and career aspirations. Our advisors are here to assist you every step of the way, from program selection to documentation submission, ensuring a seamless journey through the application process.

Exclusive Scholarships and Priority Admission

As you embark on your university/college exploration journey, keep in mind that AState applicants are eligible for a range of exclusive scholarships, providing your child with a head start in their academic journey. Applying early also secures priority admission, guaranteeing your child a spot in our competitive programs among the best and brightest minds.

Partnering with Global Studies Institute Qatar (GSI)

To further enhance your academic and career journey, partner with Global Studies Institute Qatar (GSI), as they offer a comprehensive range of services. From university/college applications to scholarships, career opportunities, international study guidance, free ESL-level testing, and more, GSI is here to support your child’s academic aspirations.

Maximizing Your University/college Visits: Now that you’ve laid the groundwork with guidance sessions and prioritized admission, it’s time to maximize your university/college visits. Here’s how:

  1. Research Before Your Visit: Explore potential universities / colleges online, noting academic programs, campus culture, and student life.
  2. Schedule a Campus Tour: Arrange a guided campus tour to explore facilities, dormitories, and recreational spaces.
  3. Attend Information Sessions: Participate in admissions presentations and campus events to gain insights into academic offerings and student life.
  4. Meet with Faculty and Students: Connect with faculty members and current students to learn more about academic programs and campus culture.
  5. Explore the Surrounding Area: Evaluate the surrounding community, considering factors like safety, transportation, and local amenities.
  6. Reflect and Evaluate: After each visit, reflect on your impressions and discuss with your child to evaluate the university/college’s fit.


Maximizing your university/college visits is instrumental in finding the perfect academic home for your child. By scheduling guidance sessions, prioritizing admission, partnering with GSI, and following our tips for university/college visits, you can ensure that your child embarks on their academic journey with confidence and clarity.

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