Embrace the dynamic digital landscape with a Bachelor of Science in Digital Technology and Design, specializing in Software Design & Development, and unlock a world of promising career opportunities. This comprehensive degree program offers a gateway to a future filled with possibilities in the rapidly evolving tech industry. Let’s explore the extraordinary career paths that await you upon choosing this program, from pioneering cutting-edge software solutions to shaping the future of technology.

Software Developer

Embark on a thrilling journey as a software developer, utilizing your coding expertise to bring innovative solutions to life. With a focus on web development, mobile app development, or full-stack development, this career path presents exhilarating challenges and boundless innovation.

User Experience (UX) Designer

Leverage your software design and development foundation to craft exceptional user experiences for websites and applications, making technology seamless, intuitive, and engaging.

Software Engineer

Become a problem-solving innovator in the tech industry, focusing on designing and maintaining complex software systems, and collaborating with developers to ensure seamless, secure, and efficient software functionality.

Dev Ops Engineer

Master the tools and practices needed to excel in the high-demand field of Dev Ops engineering, bridging the gap between development and operations for seamless integration and continuous deployment.

Data Analyst/Scientist

Transition into the world of data analytics or data science, utilizing your programming skills to analyze and interpret data for valuable insights that guide decision-making and strategy.


With expertise in Software Design & Development, empower yourself to start your own tech venture, bringing innovative ideas to life and collaborating with tech-savvy individuals to create groundbreaking startups.

Cybersecurity Specialist

Leverage your strong understanding of software design and development to protect organizations from cyber threats as a cybersecurity specialist, identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in software systems.


The Bachelor of Science in Digital Technology and Design with a Software Design & Development Concentration, offered through the partnership between جامعة ولاية أركنساس and the Global Studies Institute Qatar, presents a unique opportunity to delve into the world of software engineering and programming.

Join a vibrant community of software developers and coding enthusiasts passionate about creating innovative software solutions that shape industries and enhance our lives and work.

For more information about our programs and available scholarships, reach out to us at Info@Astateqatar.com or call us at 7733 4747 to embark on this transformative educational journey.

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